Daily Prayer Prompts
April 14-20
Pray for spiritual boldness in offering your time, talents, and financial resources to empower and sustain the future ministry of your church family at Plymouth.
Pray for opportunities to share your life to cross your path today.
Pray for the Spirit’s guidance in identifying abilities that are unique to you that when shared could make a difference.
Pray thankfully for this week’s opportunities to be generous.
Pray for your pastors and church leaders to enable your church family to reach new opportunities of ministry and mission.
Pray for the Spirit to deepen your commitment to create joy in the life of God through your bold self-giving.
Pray for yourself, your pastors and church leaders, and your church family to have the experience of “entering the joy of God’s life.”
April 21-27
Pray to center yourself in the now of your life-those areas that demand immediate reflection and action.
Pray in thanksgiving for the joy you have experienced today.
Pray in gratitude for the ways God has recently renewed or restored God’s presence and relationship with you.
Pray for the courage to take a step forward on “The Giving Pathway”-on your journey of generosity.
Pray for your pastors and church leaders to experience the joy of God’s presence and love today.
Pray to have the courage to enter today with a sense of immediacy with the hope of knowing the joy of God now.
Pray for yourself, your pastors and church leaders, and your church family to have the experience of “entering the joy of God’s life.”
April 28 - May 4
Pray for the Spirit to empower you to give of your abilities to your full Potential.
Pray for the Spirit to reveal ways you can impact your day today by living into an underdeveloped potential in your life.
Pray to find a balance in your life between active engagement and withdrawal or rest that your life may be more impactful.
Pray to reach your potential as a person through generosity.
Pray for your pastors and church leaders to exercise as fully as possible their abilities and potential today.
Pray to enter into the joy of sharing the potential of your life more fully.
Pray for yourself, your pastors and church leaders, and your church family to have the experience of “entering the joy of God’s life.”
May 5-11
Pray to enter into the joy of God, to enter into the presence of God and to share that presence with others.
Pray to experience in this moment - in the now - the love and presence of God, and ask to receive new life, love and being for this day.
Pray thankfully for the ways God has recently given you courage in an unforeseen way.
Pray by offering your commitment to step forward on “The Giving Pathway”-your journey to generosity and open yourself to the joy that creates in you.
Pray for your pastors and church leaders to be in the joy of God today.
Pray for the vulnerability, openness, and trust to let God’s presence, God’s joy, become the strength of your life.
Pray for yourself, your pastors and church leaders, and your church family to have the experience of “entering the joy of God’s life."