This historic sanctuary is our inheritance from the abolitionists who founded Plymouth Church almost 170 years ago. As such, its care is both a joy and a responsibility held by each generation of Plymouth Congregational Church. Over the last few years, a careful study of Plymouth’s facilities helped clarify a path toward this hopeful future. Our beautiful and historic sanctuary is in urgent need of our attention.
The organ is hanging on by a thread. Without some much needed investment, the extraordinary efforts of Kim and the technicians won't be able to keep it running much longer.
For many people, the sanctuary is an obstacle course of challenges to navigate. When we gather to worship God too many of us find it difficult to hear well, see well, and move easily throughout the space.
As a people committed to expansive welcome, we’re not living up to our values in this area. We can do something about that through careful, historically sensitive, renovation that makes the sanctuary fully accessible for all people.