Join us this weekend!
Let us know your interests by clicking the link below.
No matter where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here.
You’ll find just about every type of person at Plymouth – older, younger, gay, straight, trans, married, single, divorced, widowed, professionals, professors, students, workers, retired folks, life-long Lawrence residents, and those who have just recently moved to the area.
We are people of different cultural backgrounds and many different beliefs and denominations. Yet, our commitment to the Plymouth community and a love of Christ ties us all together.
If you have any questions, contact Pastor of Care & Welcome Rev. Heather Coates.
785-843-3220 ext. 6
Traditional Service @ 9:30 am
Gathering of Grace
Folk Style Service @ 11:30 am
Answers to some
frequently asked questions.
SUNDAY SERVICES We offer two services each Sunday, both in-person and live-streamed on Youtube and Facebook! Traditional Service: This 9:30 am worship service offers a more formal liturgy, with hymns and a full choir. Gathering of Grace Service: This 11:30 am worship service is less formal with an acoustic-folk band of talented local musicians.
PARKING Plymouth does not have its own parking lot, but there are several free lots nearby; you can also park curbside.
DOORS You are welcome to come in any door on Sunday mornings! There are wheelchair-accessible doors in the North and South lobbies and large central wooden doors that lead directly into the main worship area.
ACCESSIBILITY There are wheelchair-accessible ramps and doors in the North and South lobbies. We reserve seating in both the front and back of the sanctuary for people with disabilities. We have hearing assist devices and large print copies of the bulletin and sermons for people with hearing or visual difficulties – ask the ushers for assistance. There are elevators to get to the basement and second floor, and each of our restrooms has an accessible stall.
WELCOME TABLE Right outside the sanctuary doors, you can grab a nametag and meet a person happy to answer any questions you have.
INFANTS & TODDLERS We offer a nursery during both church services for kids ages 0-3. We also have a family room where you are welcome to sit with your child and watch the service on TV.
SUNDAY SCHOOL We offer Sunday School during the 9:30 service for kids pre-K through 5th. For more questions, email our Director of Child and Family Ministries! (christianed@plymouthlawrence.com).
YOUTH Middle and High School students are invited to participate in worship with their families and our Confirmation & Youth Group programs throughout the month. See Plymouth’s youth webpage (www.plymouthyouthministry.org) for more details.
CLOTHING Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable! Some people dress up. Some don’t. You are welcome no matter what; we care what’s in your heart, not what you’re wearing.
COMMUNION We offer all-church communion once a month. All are welcome to participate.
PATH TO MEMBERSHIP Every second Sunday of the month, we offer Discover Plymouth an opportunity to meet with the pastors in a low-key gathering and ask any questions you have about Plymouth. Discover Plymouth is a great first step for those considering membership or who want to know a little more about our church. In addition, if you have been engaging with worship for a little while and feel ready to commit to a membership, we offer an orientation class 3-4 times a year. We will let you know when one is coming up!