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A Return to In-Person Worship

The date's been set. Join us in worship, live and in person, on Sunday, June 13!

We can't wait to see you all again!

At the beginning of 2021, amid a gut-wrenching spike in the COVID-19 pandemic, we decided to continue broadcast-only worship at least through Easter. The virus’ community spread needed curtailing, and we could offer our support by staying home. More than three months later, we now see a blessedly changed landscape. Vaccines are rolling out, and our community is receptive to them and other protective measures. We see a rapid decline in the virus’ spread. There’s a great reason for hope.

Therefore, in consultation with our local health department and other healthcare professionals, Plymouth’s elected lay leaders and staff prepare for a staged return to the building. Our plan may change in response to new guidance or information. If we need to slow down or back up, we will. Here’s the plan:

Staff to return to in-office work on Monday, May 3.

  • The church office will return to normal, pre-pandemic open hours with the front desk staffed weekday mornings.

  • All visitors to the building will need to sign-in and register a temperature check upon entry. Masks that cover the nose and mouth will be required, along with some additional posted safety measures

  • The Mayflower Room, Heritage Room, Support Group Room (basement level), and Sanctuary will be available for size-limited gatherings by reservation. Contact Lori Herpich for details.

In-person worship will begin on Sunday, June 13

  • Masks that cover the nose and mouth will be required, along with some additional posted safety measures.

  • Fellowship time will be primarily outdoors in the South Church courtyard, with other rooms available for use on a limited basis. It’s much safer to drink coffee outdoors!

  • Broadcast worship will continue without interruption for those who prefer to worship remotely.

  • Sunday School will meet in the Mayflower Room during worship, and the nursery will be available for young children. We will follow CDC guidance in all children’s programs. Contact Christian Education Director Susan Anderson for details.

Classrooms available for meetings Monday, June 14.

  • Masks that cover the nose and mouth will be required, along with some additional posted safety measures.

  • We plan to equip multiple classrooms with webcams to support hybrid in-person/online gatherings. Contact Lori Herpich for details.

  • As always, we will require reservations for room use.

We are thrilled!

Our season in the wilderness has taught us many things. We are stronger than we knew. The church is much more than a building. Most of all, we need one another. If you have questions or concerns about the plan outlined above, please let me know. It helps to know what you’re wondering and hoping. Keep an eye on our weekly email newsletters and our website for more information as plans progress.


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