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Antiracism as Daily Practice with Rev. Dr. Jennifer Harvey

Antiracism as Daily Practice: Refusing Shame, Changing White Communities

with Rev. Dr. Jennifer Harvey, author of NYT Bestseller Raising White Kids: Bringing Up Children in a Racially Unjust America and Antiracism as Daily Practice: Refuse Shame, Change White Communities and Help Create a Just World

Co-Sponsored by Plymouth Congregational Church and Ecumenical Campus Ministries.

Saturday February 24th 


Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ

925 Vermont St.

Lawrence, KS 66044

Mayflower Room


White Americans can grow racial justice through everyday behaviors. It’s especially vital we engage with our families, through our social networks, in our neighborhoods, and at our jobs to make antiracism a daily living commitment. Meanwhile these are some of the hardest places to do so. We have real power in our relationships with other white folks—and not enough of us have used it.


We’re going to talk about why white people struggle with the “what to do?” about racism. We’ll explore the significance of grief and anger—as well as the harmful role of shame. We’ll reckon with the transformation our communities need to become the partners in justice Black communities and other communities of color need and deserve. Such transformation isn’t only vital to the well-being of U.S. democracy, its vital to the freedom and wholeness of white people too.


Everyone is affected by how white people show up in the work of racial justice. So, this is a conversation for all of us.


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