Tuesday, June 25, at 6pm in the Chapel, Plymouth Men's Fellowship will have a special extra session.
June's Pride Month at Plymouth has included a recommended church wide reading and discussion of Matthew Vine's book, "God and the Gay Christian."
Excellent conversations on this book are being held each Sunday in June at the Fellowship Forum between worship services--led by our Pastor Valerie Miller-Coleman. PMF will be offering an addition opportunity for conversation on this important topic to those PMF'ers interested.
Paul Zimdars-Swartz will guide us through the conversation (which will not require a reading of the book for those who have not had a chance to do this June reading). Key insights from the book will be discussed, and your questions and concerns will be the focus.
Interested? Plan to join the conversation on the 25th. Bring a sack supper and drink for our fellowship time between 6 and 6:30pm. As we are meeting in the Chapel, enter by the south doors on Vermont and use our regular entrance code 1104#. At 6:30pm, we will start our conversation and finish by 7:45pm.
Some conflicts with this schedule are unavoidable (like the Church Council meeting), but this was the best time available before the end of June.