Current events, politics, theology, and real life. Join the conversation of our Fellowship Forums between services on Sunday mornings.

Sunday, May 8
Please join us for the Earth Care Fellowship Forum on May 8 between services. First, Jenny O’Brien will discuss the Climate Action Plan – our region’s response to climate change – and how you can get involved. Then, Margaret Kramar will advise how to create a habitat for wildlife in your backyard.
In tandem with the discussion, you will notice the Earth Promise Tree in the Mayflower Room, which needs your promises to green up this spring and summer. For example, you may decide to inscribe the leaf with a promise such as “I promise to bring my own bags when shopping,” “I promise to plant some native wildflowers in my yard,” or “I promise to become a climate ambassador.”
By participating in these activities and sharing our knowledge, we all become better stewards of the Creation.