Plymouth's Justice Matters Team preps for the May 3rd Action Assembly.

Join Us Monday, April 12 @ 6:30 p.m.
Plymouth's Justice Matters Team invites you to attend a Solutions Briefing that will be a virtual event on Monday, April 12, from 6:30-8 p.m. Representatives of Justice Matters' research committees will share reports and testimonies on the three issue areas we're focused on this year: homelessness, jail alternatives, and restorative practices in schools. We need all Network Members in attendance to head into our May 3 Action Assembly well-informed and organized! Any other Plymouth members interested in learning more about justice ministry are also welcome to join in the discussion.
Let us Know If You Can Make It
Looking Ahead to May 3rd
You are invited to the annual Nehemiah Assembly. This year the assembly will be held as drive-in event at the Douglas County Fairgrounds parking lot on Saturday, May 3 at 6:30 - 8 p.m.
This year has been significant as we recognize in Lawrence and Douglas County that we have racial and economic injustices. Unjust laws, policies, procedures, and practices result in racial and other discrepancies and biases in our schools, those experiencing homelessness, and in misuse of the jail when community treatment and support systems would be less expensive, more effective, and safer for all of us.
Justice Matters is a non-profit community organization formed by member networks in 17 affiliated faith congregations (such as Plymouth) and neighborhoods.
Please join in the community as we strive to become a just and welcoming place for all people.