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Major Choral Work

Plymouth's Chancel Choir presents Taylor Scott Davis' "Magnificat."

The Chancel Choir will present Magnificat by Taylor Scott Davis as the message on Sunday, December 12. This new choral work, commissioned for the Chancel Choir of St. John’s UMC, Albuquerque, New Mexico, was premiered in 2016. Major composers have set the Magnificat text throughout history. Through his lush and artful composing style, Taylor Scott Davis has captured the sound of Mary going from typical teenage child to God’s chosen one in the course of five movements.

“Magnificat anima mea” begins by expressing the joy, honor, and bewilderment of Mary in her lowly status, being chosen by God, and the proclamation about what mighty work God has done through Mary.

“Shall I Rejoice” encompasses not only Mary’s joy but also foreshadows the trouble and uncertainty ahead for her son.

“Et misericordia” sings about God’s mercy, exalting the humble and feeding the hungry.

“Deposuit” features a solo violin as Mary with the choir expressing God showing strength by scattering the proud and arrogant.

“Gloria Patri” is an expression of jubilation: “Glory be to God forever and ever.”

Magnificat will be accompanied by chamber orchestra.

Taylor Scott Davis serves as Director of Music and Worship Arts at St. Andrew UMC in Plano, Texas. He is a graduate of Centenary College of Louisiana. Davis’ music has been performed throughout the US, Europe, South America, South Africa, and professional ensembles Conspirare and VOCES8.


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