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New Members Orientation Class

Sunday, September 10, 1-3pm •. Pizza Lunch at 12:30pm

Have you been visiting Plymouth for a while and feel ready to explore the next step? Have you been here for years and simply haven’t joined yet? Are you brand new, but already know that Plymouth is your spiritual home?

Plymouth is hosting a New Member Orientation just for you! We hope you will join us. Attending doesn’t automatically mean you are joining Plymouth, but instead it is a great place to get to know our theology, our community, our ministries, our history, and our staff. You can meet other new folks and ask any question you have about Plymouth Church.

After attending the orientation, if you decide to join Plymouth, we will be welcoming new members at both services on Sunday, Sept 24th.

To attend, please RSVP to Rev. Heather Coates,


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