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Virtual Auction

Donate to Plymouth's biggest fundraiser of 2022!

Planning is in progress for the Plymouth Virtual Auction.  Plymouth’s 2022 Virtual Auction will be this fall, most likely in the middle to end of September.  We are looking for high-quality large items for the Virtual Auction.  Now is an excellent time to start looking at things you would like to repurpose for a donation to the auction. 

In addition to large items, maybe you have a vacation home or cabin you would offer for a week or would host a special dinner in your home.  Perhaps you are an artist and have an art piece to donate.  Another idea is to purchase a tour to a special place or tickets to an event that could be part of the Virtual Auction.  We are also calling on all business owners (or those with contacts with business owners) for gift cards from local businesses. 

Plymouth’s Virtual Auction is the church’s major fundraiser for 2022, and the proceeds from the auction will help us reach our Mission Spending Plan fundraising goals. Everyone’s help is needed to create an exciting and profitable auction.  More information will be announced in the Sunday morning bulletins, during Mission Moments, and in the Plymouth weekly emails.   


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