The dates are set. Mark your calendars. Prep your donations. Let's make this another great sale!

The Saga of the Garage Sale
By January of last year, plans were well underway for the annual Plymouth Garage Sale. Over the seven-year history of this annual fundraiser, with the help of dozens of volunteers and donations from countless church members and friends, Plymouth raised more than $70,000 for the annual youth service trip and other church mission projects.
We were well on our way to the 2020 sale, and it was sure to be the Best. Sale. Ever!
Then the world changed. We carefully filed away the sale’s plans with the hope for their resurrection in 2021. But by this spring, when it was time to gear up and get going for the summer sale, it was clear that we weren’t ready to open the church to a venture like that.
But even pandemics shall pass. So please save your stuff for the 2022 Plymouth Garage Sale. It’s sure to be the Best. Sale. Ever!
Virtual Auction 2.0 - September 5 - 19, 2021
Plymouth put its 2020 church garage sale on hold, but all the mission and service projects that depended on the sale for financial support weren’t. What to do? Not to be put off by a mere pandemic, creative heads came together last summer, and the Plymouth Virtual Auction was born. Last year, we raised $7,400. Not bad for a first-time effort!
So we’re doing it again. Mark your calendar for the 2021 auction, which will run September 5-19. Beginning Labor Day weekend and continuing for two weeks, you’ll have a chance to bid on a wide range of quality items—from antiques, exercise equipment, furniture to babysitting services and more!—all donated by the Plymouth community to support the church’s mission and service efforts.
Obviously, it’s not an auction without donations, and the more donations we have, the more support we can give our mission efforts. So be thinking about what you have to offer that somebody else would gladly purchase - tickets to concerts or sporting events, art of various media (quilts, paintings, pottery and more), a chili dinner, use of a vacation home, music lessons, furniture, services of all kinds. Get creative!
We do ask that donations have a $25 minimum value. No books, electronics, shoes, or clothes please. If you promise to donate an item for the church auction, please refrain from posting this same item on other sites like Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace simultaneously.
Be watching for more auction information soon. Whether you’re a donor or a bidder, or both, it’s an opportunity you won’t want to miss.