For almost 50 years, the handbell choirs have been a musical tradition at Plymouth Church.

Playing handbells is a fun team-building musical ensemble. Each person plays different handbells, so every person’s part is important. New ringers do not need to be able to read music to play. Lee Ann Thompson and Kim Manz will teach everything: rhythm, note values, ringing techniques, and more.
Middle School Handbells
Due to the pandemic, we were unable to start new middle school ringers. This year, all middle school students will have the opportunity to start ringing handbells simultaneously and progress together.
It would be wonderful to have a large middle school handbell choir at Plymouth. We have a newly renovated Bell Room and an enormous number of handbells that want to be played. Please consider having your middle school student give handbells a try. Rehearsals will be from 4-4:30 p.m. on Sunday afternoons before Confirmation.
Please contact Kim Manz, Minister of Music and Fine Arts, if you have any questions. We look forward to meeting and working with your middle school youth.
High School Handbells
We invite all high school students to join the existing High School Handbell Choir. New ringers are always welcome and do not need to be able to read music to play. Lee Ann Thompson and Kim Manz will teach everything: rhythm, note values, ringing techniques, and more.
Please contact Kim Manz, Minister of Music and Fine Arts, if you have any questions.