Nominate yourself or someone else!
Plymouth is a Congregational church, meaning that without your leadership, the important work of our covenanted community would not get done. If you believe that you or someone you know could do good work on one of these boards, fill out this nomination form! Unless otherwise noted, each board member serves a 3-year term.
Christian Education Board
Our Christian Education Board oversees all educational opportunities at Plymouth Church. This includes Sunday School, Bible study, Plymouth Academy, and other faith-formation programs.
Deacons Board
Our Board of Deacons is charged with "nurturing the Spiritual life of the church." They are primarily responsible for worship, congregational care, and spiritual growth opportunities like the prayer team.
Endowment Committee
Our Endowment Committee is responsible for ensuring Plymouth's financial future by supporting planned giving and long-term investments in our endowed funds. People on this committee serve a 4-year term.
Fellowship Board
Our Fellowship Board is responsible for weaving the social fabric of our church. They host large church events such as Thanksgiving and the All-Church Picnic and are in charge of various ongoing social groups.
Membership Board
Our Membership Board helps new people become part of the Plymouth congregation, guiding them through the orientation and new member process.
Music & Fine Arts Board
Our Music and Fine Arts Board is responsible for overseeing all of the music and fine arts programming at Plymouth Church. In addition, the board seeks ways to use Plymouth members' many talents and encourage and nurture developing artists and performers within our congregation.
Personnel Committee
Our Personnel Committee oversees the Plymouth personnel policies, assessing the human resources needs of our church and advising the church council in these areas.
Stewardship Board
Our Stewardship Board is responsible for advising the church council on church financial matters and all maintenance and upkeep for the three church buildings.
Kansas-Oklahoma Conference Delegates
KS/OK Conference Delegates are designated each year to represent Plymouth within the wider UCC community.