We invite you to participate in a brief, anonymous Mental Health and Care Needs Assessment.

Plymouth's Mental Wellness Resource Team
This year, Plymouth Church has joined the Interfaith Mental Health Outreach organization to form our own Mental Wellness Resource Team. This team consists of volunteer members of our congregation committed to serving those experiencing the pain of mental illness, personally or within their family. As we begin this journey, we want to understand the needs of our members and families more clearly so that we can best carry out this vital mission.
Mental Health Survey
We thus invite you to participate in a brief, anonymous Mental Health and Care Needs Assessment. This survey collects no identifying information and is meant to be an honest reflection of your own experiences and what you perceive to be the needs of the congregation. If the questions or categories do not fit your needs, please let us know your thoughts in the space provided.
We thank you in advance for your participation. We understand that these are extremely sensitive and personal issues, and we will honor your responses with this understanding in our minds and hearts. Your contributions will help us gain insight and determine our priorities as we evaluate our existing ministries and move forward with new modes of caring.