The Board of Mission and Service is holding a clothing drive for the “Early Childhood Clothing Closet”, a program of the Community Children’s Center (CCC). Learn more about the Clothing Closet, currently located at the Kennedy Early Childhood Center, on their website.
Wishing for…
Gently used or new children’s clothing, sizes birth – 6T.
• pants
• shorts
• shirts
• coats
• shoes
• socks
• boots
The Closet also appreciates donations of disposable diapers (any size), wipes, and maternity clothes.
Bring contributions to Plymouth before or between services on Sundays, January 21, January 28, and February 4. Look for the collection barrels in the narthex and near the entrances to the church.
Contact Jo Bryant at jbryant@sunflower.com for alternative delivery options.

Community Children’s Center is a 501c3 nonprofit “dedicated to increasing access to high-quality, accessible, available, and affordable childcare for infants to five-year-olds in Douglas County. The staff provides a variety of training, programs, and partnerships aimed at helping parents through the journey of parenting.”
Established in 1965 through the work of Plymouth’s Social Action Committee, CCC has always been dedicated to providing childcare to low-income families. It’s first initiative was to establish the Head Start program at Plymouth that continues today. The organization’s evolution is outlined here.