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Christmas Giving Opportunities

This Advent and Christmas Season, we can help those in need in our community by donating to those served by our mission and community partners! Drop off donations at church Sunday mornings, December 11 and 18, or Monday, December 12, from 9 am - 3 pm.


Lawrence Community Shelter requests gift cards valued at $10 - $25 from Wal-Mart, Target, or Amazon. We will also collect Adult Underwear (new, in the package, and unwrapped) and Towels or washcloths. (new and unwrapped). Look for collection barrels in the Mayflower Room.


Our annual Mitten Tree, officially named the Mindy Hazlett Dunlap Mitten Tree, may be found in our sanctuary during Advent. Please bring your donations of new mittens, gloves, scarves, hats, etc., to hang on this tree. Donated items go to our Head Start families first and then to the Lawrence community shelter. Thank you to the Hazlett family for sharing this memorial to Mindy and Jim and Bev Carothers for donating the beautiful tree.


Each year Plymouth takes up an offering during our Christmas Eve services, of which 100% of the monetary donations from this offering go to our mission partners and other Lawrence organizations. This year we will open this offering starting on Sundays, December 11 and 18, and then again during all three of our Christmas Eve services.


Willow Domestic Violence Shelter requests gift cards valued at $10-$25 from Wal-Mart, Target, or Amazon. In addition, the Mission & Service Board will collect diapers, pullups, feminine products (tampons, pads), and deodorant. Please do not wrap donations. These donations will be collected in a barrel in the Mayflower Room. Gift Cards will be donated at the featured ministries table near the church office. Donate your items Sunday between services on 12/11 and 12/18 and Monday 12/12 from 9 am – 3 pm or directly online through their Amazon Wish List.


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