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Justice Matters Network Meeting

We are all called to do justice, and we can make a difference when we stand together.

Plymouth's Justice Matters team invites all members and friends to stand up for justice by attending our annual Network Meeting on March 6 at 12:30 pm on Zoom. In addition, we will be preparing to mobilize our congregation for the Action Assembly on April 28 at 6:30 pm at the Douglas County Fairgrounds. The format of the event will depend on health guidelines in April. Last year's event was "drive-up" format with about 650 people in attendance.

Justice Matters is a local interfaith organization consisting of religious congregations networked together to surface, understand, and address justice issues and strengthen understanding of the scriptural imperative to do justice. It has played a crucial role in bringing about justice in affordable housing, mental health crisis resources, alternatives to incarceration, and restorative practices. Over 50 Plymouth members participate in the network, and Pastor Caroline has recently joined the organization's Executive Committee.

Justice Matters holds the annual Action Assembly after extensive research and design of solutions on the issues at hand. The Assembly is an opportunity for the community to provide a solid and unified voice to seek commitment from public officials to take specific actions towards eliminating injustice. For example, local public leaders voiced commitment to solving the city's homelessness crisis at last year's event. Current issues include continued work on homelessness, jail alternatives, restorative practices, and a new initiative in eldercare.

Please stand with us for justice on April 28. Please attend the March 6 Network Meeting and join the Plymouth Justice Matters Network. We are all called to do justice, and we can make a difference when we stand together.


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