PMF'S September gathering is on Tuesday, September 19, at 6 pm in the Plymouth Chapel (not in Room 202N) - - please use the South Doors on Vermont and find the chapel near the entrance.
Bring your sack supper and drink!
We will begin with our sack suppers and fellowship time.
At 6:30 pm, our speaker for the evening will be introduced: the Rev. Michael Vollbrecht, an ordained United Church of Christ authorized clergy will share with us about the recent General Synod of the UCC held in Indianapolis, Indiana this past July. He will focus on what attending the General Synod experience is like, as well as, the important results of priority UCC legislation that was adopted. Micahel currently serves as a Generosity Officer at the UCC for our region of the US and continues his Associate Pastoral ministry at Colonial Church UCC in Prairie Village, KS. With the next General Synod scheduled to meet in Kansas City, July 11-15, 2025, we will all have the opportunity of visiting the event, so it's good for us to know what to expect.