As we wrap up Pride Month 2021, Plymouth's Open and Affirming Committee says "thank you!"
A Celebration of Pride and Love For All
Under a brilliant sun, on a hot June afternoon, we witnessed the beautiful mosaic of Plymouth’s community come together to create a new, wonderful work of art in praise of God and in celebration of all God’s children. What if our Sunday morning worship services looked like that crowd in the park?? Wouldn’t THAT be a reason to celebrate with PRIDE!
We thank everyone who helped to make June 6th such a special day, especially Liz Smith and Kim Manz, without whom it would never have been organized. In addition, we are indebted to Tim O’Brien, Rosie O’Brien, Tad Kramar, and the other band members for their time, talent, and generosity. Finally, we are also grateful to all of the magnificent volunteers who scooped sherbet, painted faces, blew bubbles, handed out yard signs, and helped to create a welcoming space for our community.
We hope that this year’s Pride Party will only be the first, and we look forward to celebrating the rainbow of God’s love with you for many years to come.
Thank you again to everyone who helped us throw the best ice cream social a church has ever hosted.