Circle your calendars and save the date for the Fourth Annual Plymouth Virtual Community Auction: September 13 – October 6. Bidding will open September 13 and will close on October 6 in the Mayflower Room at an All-Church Family Fun Evening.
Why does Plymouth have a Virtual Auction?
Plymouth Church is a Christian community on a mission. We unite for the worship of God and the service of all. ‘Service of all’ includes expanding our reach to support the work of local and regional non-profit partner agencies. We often call them our ‘mission partners’ because they are an important part of how we fulfill our mission. The Virtual Auction is one way you can join in their work. By contributing to the auction, you will support these mission partners:
Our Church’s Wider Mission strengthens the witness of Plymouth’s network of congregations. Each of them serves God in the co-creation of a just and sustainable world for truth and justice – especially in Kansas and Oklahoma.
The Plymouth Language Program offers free English and low-cost Spanish courses to our community and online to a wide range of communities nationally.
Justice Matters, a local interfaith non-profit organization consisting of religious congregations joined together, “to surface, understand issues of justice in the region”. Justice Matters is currently focused on restorative practices in our school system, elder care and ending homelessness in Douglas County.
We need your support!
Last year’s auction raised over $11,000 and to make this year’s auction a success, we are seeking unique and interesting items. What items have you been storing and never get used? Do you have special skills to teach? Do you have an art piece or homemade item to donate? Will you host a dinner event at your home? Do you have sporting event, theatre, or concert tickets?
The possibilities are endless!
It is easy to donate an item – just complete this form located in Breeze with the donated item and a picture.
If you have questions or need assistance with the donation form, please email or call Barbara Russell at 785-917-9517, Kathy Wehmeyer at 913-579-7788 or Jackie Lord at 785-550-4153.
SAVE THE DATE: October 6 – All-church family fun time. Watch for more announcements!
Thanking you in advance,
Plymouth Virtual Auction Planning Committee
Barbara Russell – Beth Chambers – Chris Deter – Debbie Schmidt – Jackie Lord – Kathy Wehmeyer – Margaret Kramar – Norine Spears – Toni Dudley