Plymouth welcomes its new Director of Faith Formation Kara Young Eun Holcombe to the staff.
Hi everyone! I am so excited to join the Plymouth Church staff as Director of Faith Formation. I am confident that this is the next step in my faith journey, and Plymouth is such a wonderful place that has allowed me to continue to fulfill my vocation.
I originally volunteered at Plymouth seven years ago, teaching High School Sunday School and chaperoning Lock-Ins. It’s mind-blowing to think that some of those youths have long since graduated or are currently in High School. Such a fulfilling part of my time at Plymouth is being able to witness these young people’s faith journeys. Back in 2020, I took the position of Faith Formation Assistant, and over the last two years, I have gotten to know all of you and the wonderful families that make up our congregation.
I believe in “eating around the heath” to strengthen connection and fellowship with others. During this trying time of navigating life during a pandemic, I have committed myself to finding ways to still engage the children and youth, even over Zoom! One of my main priorities is to create physical and emotionally safe spaces for your children and youth to help them learn and explore their faith.
If it is the summer, you will find me healing in large bodies of water. Nature has always been deeply connected to my faith. Whether it was vacationing in Northern New Mexico or spending time on my family’s cattle ranch, moments in nature are when I feel the most connected to God. Some of my other hobbies include cross-stitching, watching/going to professional wrestling shows, and listening to an audiobook or my favorite podcast.
I am so happy to continue to be a part of the Plymouth Staff, and I look forward to bringing fun and engaging activities to the children and youth of the congregation.