Practical Ideas for Living & Giving Generously
Nearly every day, we make financial decisions. Some are small – should you get a cup of coffee at McDonald’s or splurge for the handcrafted latte at Wheatfields? Some are big – which house, which car, which college? Some concern the future – how much should you spend on Christmas, which retirement funds should you choose?
Probably the most challenging decision we make with money is the decision to give. Giving creates tension. We wonder, “If I give this away, how will the gap be filled?” That’s why giving is such a big deal. Nothing invites God into our lives like giving. Giving is a tangible way we declare our trust in and commitment to God. Giving often paves the way for God to show up in our lives in a powerful way.
Giving is not just a financial decision - it’s a deeply spiritual decision.
We have put this Generosity Toolbox together to help you consider how God has blessed you and how the Spirit might invite you to trust the Lord during the Enter In campaign. You’ll find ideas that will help you pray and consider how God is leading you to participate.
The most effective path to generosity is a spiritual path where you set your heart on things above. Then, your financial priorities will naturally flow out of your spiritual priorities.
People often describe this as “living a generous lifestyle.” It is always a temptation to give to God in a way that makes little impact on how you live. The challenge of living a generous lifestyle is to intentionally and prayerfully find ways to do just that – to let your giving touch your living!
King David declared,
“I will not give to God that which costs me nothing.”
(2 Samuel 24:24)
He understood that the value of the gift presented to God is determined by its value to the giver. A gift that would touch the heart of God must first touch the life of the giver! This is the spirit of lifestyle generosity — “If it is for my God, my gift must have meaning and value to me.”
Lifestyle generosity is a level of giving that affects you – your plans, your activities, your attitude and your approach to life. It means giving up something in one area so that you can give more of yourself in another.